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Great Reads for Good Food

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Worried About Tear Gas? Here is What to Do If You Plan to Protest

The use of tear gas has been all over the news for the last week. As more protestors take to the streets to express their desire to see racial equality, police have resorted to using tear gas to disperse crow...

Your Child's Wellness During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic will have lasting effects for children throughout the country. After missing their last three months of school, many children are home for the summer too because their summer camps are cancelled. In addition, childr...

Plagued With Hives? Here is What You Need to Know About This Condition

Known by the clinical term of urticaria in medical circles, hives are red and itchy welts that form from a skin reaction. Welts can vary greatly in size and intensity and may come and go depending on ext...

How to Spot and Treat Squamous Cell Carcinoma Before it Becomes Deadly

With the 4th of July weekend kicking off, the summer season is well underway. As more people head outside to soak up the beauty and warmth of this time of year, it is imperative that you understand the d...

New CDC Guidance Illustrates How COVID-19 Can Spread Through the Air

It is understandable if your head is spinning with all of the changing guidelines regarding the COVID-19 virus. Just Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially announced that t...

Struggling with the Time Change? Read This Important Information for Help

If your internal body clock feels disrupted this week, you are certainly not alone. While setting the clocks back one hour is easier than the spring counterpart of moving forward, it is not unusual to...

On Friday November 20, the United States reported more than 201,000 COVID-19 cases. On the same day, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C...

The Pandemic Upends Thanksgiving Plans The Thanksgiving holiday is traditionally one on which people travel to their fam...

Despite the Temptations, You Can Create a Healthier COVID-19 Holiday Season

Everyone knows about the trappings of the indulgent holiday season. Between holiday parties, gatherings with friends and family, and delicious treats tempting you around every corner, it is easy to ...

Los Altos Town Crier Announces 2021 Wellness Trends

On December 16, the Los Altos Town Crier announced the wellness trends that people need to know about for 2021. Looking back at the past 50 weeks of 2020, few people could have imagined that the year would involve a pandemi...