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Great Reads for Good Food

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Looking to Start Your Day Off Right? Try These Winning Foods for Breakfast

While it may sound cliche, it is true that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is the meal that breaks the overnight fast and delivers the energy that you need to get your day g...

Balanced Nutrition Improves Your Quality of Life

You can impress your family, friends, and coworkers this holiday season with some subtle changes that make a big difference. If your ideas go unnoticed and you struggle to lose weight, you can brighten your holiday with heart h...

SARS CoV-2 Variants Are Rapidly Changing the Pandemic's Direction

On January 28, public health professionals announced that two South Carolina residents were found to be infected with the South Africa strain of the COVID-19 virus. The day before, a Minnesota resident was fou...

Home Office Got You Feeling Sore? Here Are Tips to Improve the Ergonomics

If you are like many workers, you are spending more time working out of a home office due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. After over a year at this telecommuting gig, you may also be noticing that y...

COVID-19 Have You Exercising with a Mask? Here is What You Need to Know

While most gyms and outdoor recreational areas have opened their doors back up to guests wanting to work up a sweat, many of these places understandably still have mask mandates in place. This means tha...

Food Stamps from The COVID Era Are Being Phased Out for Roughly 30 Million Americans

As the expense of life in the United States has risen, federal subsidies to help individuals pay for necessities have been phased out one by one. Emergency funding for a food assistance...

Financial Wisdom We Received from Our Moms

While economists spend years learning the intricacies of our monetary system, many will tell you that some of the best financial advice they received was from their parents. Mothers can be particularly adept at instilling fiscal resp...

Understanding the Many Benefits of Finally Starting an Exercise Routine

The new year is here which means many people are hitting the gym to try to get in shape. While the overriding motivation for most is to lose weight or to fend off serious illness and disease, there are ...

Why Is Personal Development For Your Overall Wellness? Find Out

Personal development is the process of improving oneself, either mentally or physically. It's a form of self-improvement that focuses on enhancing one's personality and personal growth. Besides, it revolves arou...