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Great Reads for Good Food

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Easy Tips to Look and Feel Younger

Aging is unavoidable, but it brings different changes to the body. Many people are eager to keep their youthful glow for as long as possible. You can slow down how quickly your body ages and help maintain that youthful look a...

Start the New Decade with Resolutions That Are Truly Attainable

As the end of the decade comes to a close, many people are looking at how they can improve their overall physical and emotional well-being as they head into the year 2020. Rather than setting yourself up for New ...

Planning to Participate in 'Dry January'? Follow These Tips for Success

Every year, more and more people decide to take the Dry January challenge. This movement involves cutting out alcohol for the entire month. Many individuals decide to take on this challenge as a way to ...

Returning to Work Have You Feeling Anxious? How You Can Cope

It is understandable if you feel anxious at work. This is particularly true if you have recently returned to an office setting after working from home over the last year because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. W...

Struggling with Your Morning Routine? How to Kick it Into Gear This Fall

You are not alone if you have had a difficult time adjusting to a morning routine lately. With kids all across the nation back in school full time and many workers leaving the convenience of the home o...

Alaskans Don't Know Where Their Food Stamps Went

In the state of Alaska, most people are very hard-working and do the sorts of jobs a lot of other Americans couldn't even handle. It's obviously very cold there, with harsh elements and strong winter storms. Howev...

Half the Country Extends Emergency SNAP Benefits Through January

This isn't something that the corporate media speaks about very often, but more people are on food stamps in America today than at any other point in American history. Of course, the corporate press lo...

Going Back to the Basics: Companies Invest in Natural Wellness Products

Though humans have experimented with psychoactive substances for millennia, modern society largely frowns upon using psychoactive compounds found in plants such as cannabis and certain mushrooms. For a r...

Is Intermittent Fasting the Diet Plan for You? What You Need to Know

A recent study out of the UK is shedding more light on the effectiveness of intermittent fasting. If you have been trying to shed some pounds with little success, you may want to consider this new trend in...