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Great Reads for Good Food

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Worried About Dementia as You Age? Here Are the Biggest Risk Factors

It is understandable to be worried about mental decline as you age. While there are some risk factors that are beyond your control, there are distinct influences that you can work to negate. It is never to...

Getting Your Chocolate Fix without the Carbs

There are conflicting messages delivered to average people in mainstream society today. One message says that people shouldn't worry about their weight, and that people can be "healthy at any size." This cont...

Why You Need Wellness Programs In the Workplace

It's no secret that workplaces are stressful. Various studies have found that stress levels in the U.S. workforce have reached an all-time high, with nearly half of all employees feeling stressed out most or all of the time. M...

New Wellness Benefits Program Exclusively for Men Launches with $30M

Over the past few years, the wellness industry has exploded in popularity. Starting with simple apps, such as those that play soothing sounds to aid with sleep, it's quickly ballooned into a huge chunk of t...

Stuck at Home with No Culinary Skills? How You Can Take Care of Yourself

With the majority of the country practicing self-quarantine protocol as a result of the deadly coronavirus, it has become more important than ever to be sufficient in the kitchen. Many of the nation's ...

Wellness Activities that Will Help Your Mind and Body and Go Easy on Your Wallet

People are worried about their health and their bank accounts in the age of COVID-19. While they may want to try wellness solutions, they could be an undue strain on their bank accounts when mon...

How Sleep Affects Your Ability to Be a Positive Person

You've probably heard the old adage that attitude is everything. However, if you're sleep-deprived, it's difficult to feel positive about anything at all. Just one day of missing sleep is enough to make most people feel ...

Staring at a COVID-19 Lockdown? What You Can Do to Preserve Your Sanity

With COVID-19 cases back on the rise in the US, many people are growing increasingly worried that there will be more mandated lockdowns in the near future. This fear is being fueled by additional lockdo...

Planning Your Holiday Gathering During a Pandemic? What You Need to Know

The holidays are upon us and many Americans are being forced to make difficult decisions about how to celebrate during the time of a pandemic. As the COVID-19 health crisis continues to rage on, many h...