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Great Reads for Good Food

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Having Trouble Falling Asleep at the Right Speed? What You Can Do to Help

While some people may think that falling asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow is a sign of good health, heading off to dreamland as soon as you close your eyes is not indicative of good sleep h...

How to be Successful with Dry January Efforts Despite the Ongoing Pandemic

The new year is here which means that many people are using the fresh start to practice the concept of dry January. This practice involves taking a break from alcohol for the month of January. Ma...

Looking to Avoid the Nefarious Holiday Bloat? Follow These Proven Tips

With the holidays quickly approaching, it is likely that you may be looking forward to eating all of your favorite festive foods. However, with this indulgence often comes the uncomfortable feelings ...

President Trump's Guidelines for Virus Prevention

President Trump's Guidelines for Virus Prevention For anyone living in the United States of America with a mailing address, you received today a small leaflet from President Donald Trump, which highlights a variety of g...

5 Tips for Your COVID-19 Mental Health

It is every bit as important to take care of mental health as it is to safeguard your physical health while you are staying home during the COVID-19 crisis. Your mind is as critical to your well-being as your body and you must be good t...

Looking to Revamp Your Skincare Routine? Read This for All You Need to Know

Summer is a good time to examine your skincare routine and make any necessary changes. The heat and humidity can do a number on even the clearest complexions. Here are the steps that you want to con...

Dealing with a Broken Heart? How to Handle the Grief and Smile Again

Dealing with a broken heart is never an easy experience. However, what many broken-hearted individuals are now finding out is that it is even more challenging to handle this grief during the middle of a gl...

What Will it Take for the Usage of Facials Masks to Become Normalized?

As health experts continue to learn more about the most likely vectors of transmission of the COVID-19 virus, it is becoming more clear that facial masks make a difference. Not only does wearing a mask h...

Research Finds Your Health Greatly Depends on This Emotional Factor

When people talk about improving physical health, they often discuss things like going for a jog and eating more vegetables. However, many wellness experts forget that the mind and body are closely linked. A...