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Great Reads for Good Food

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Struggling to Remember to Take Medication Each Day? Follow These Proven Tips

Despite the best of intentions, many people forget to take their medication as prescribed. When life gets busy, it is easy to let these tasks slip your mind. Unfortunately, forgetting to take impor...

Good News for SNAP Recipients; States Extend Benefits

During the height of the COVID pandemic, America spent more money on the federal level than it has at any other point in its history. This was a bipartisan spending spree too; it wasn't a Republican or Democrat thing. Bo...

Food Stamp Data Still Up in the Air for November

The program once simply known as "food stamps" has changed a lot over the course of the past few years. Today, it is known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and these benefits are doled ou...

9 Food Subscription Boxes That You Can Get for Free

Food subscription services seem to be everywhere. Unfortunately, only a few of these services offer free trials. Before you sign up for a service, you want to find out if it is good or not. The following options allow you to...

Health Officials Offer Holiday Safety Tips During COVID-19

The Mecosta County Health District and other local health departments around the United States are reminding people that there's still a pandemic going on, and precautions must be taken in order to slow the spread of...

Focusing on Mental Health When Returning to the Office

Mental health is one of the major wellness issues affecting Americans. One of the main drivers of mental health is our jobs. What happens at work affects our well-being in numerous ways. The pandemic has changed many pre...

Understanding the Ins and Outs of Plantar Fasciitis and How to Treat It

The symptoms of plantar fasciitis can range from mildly annoying to completely debilitating. The condition is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, the band of connective tissue that stretch...

Are You a Frontline COVID-19 Worker? Consider the Physical and Mental Tolls

As the world faces the increasing challenges of the coronavirus crisis, the frontline workers are on center stage. Not only are healthcare workers risking their own lives to treat COVID-19 patients,...

How to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits in Your Children Without a Battle

One of the most challenging jobs of any parent is encouraging your children to develop healthy eating habits. Bribing kids to clean their plate is a centuries-old tactic that many parents lean on as a ...