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Great Reads for Good Food

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McDonald's Offering Wellness Checks Amid Covid-19

Most states in the nation have been very busy in shutting down almost everything nonessential they can think of. Unfortunately for businesses, nonessential includes a lot of construction companies and a lot of manufacturer...

Diet Tips While You Staying at Home During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Like nearly every other American, you are stuck at home right now while we wait for the COVID-19 outbreak to be brought under control. Your activity may be limited because it is simply too dangerous to leave yo...

Here is What You Need to Do to Protect Yourself From the Coronavirus

Although the COVID-19 outbreak is starting to show signs that it may be reaching its peak in many parts of the world, the battle is far from over. The majority of the country is still under mandated lockdo...

2020 Have You Down? This is Why You Need to Establish a Wellness Routine

If your head is spinning these days, you can take comfort in knowing that you are certainly not alone. The year 2020 started on a somber note with the shocking death of basketball legend Kobe Bryant. F...

This Crazy Trick Instantly Makes Your Face Masks Fit You Better

Countless studies have shown a simple face mask made of fabric, paper, or plastic can help cut back on COVID-19 spread. As epidemiologist Dr. George Rutherford explains, a face mask helps catch infected droplets...

Boosting Your Immune System in the Time of Pandemic. What You Can Do

With a global pandemic sweeping across the planet, you may be wondering how you can naturally boost your immune system. While there is no way that you can completely prepare your body to fight off the COVI...

Is Now the Time to Allow Kids to Return to Sports? What to Know

If you are like most parents with active children, you may be desperately missing the outlet that youth sports once provided for your kids. As states begin the delicate reopening process, many areas are now put...

Think You Might Have COVID-19? It May Just Be Your Nasal Polyps

With so much worry about the COVID-19 pandemic, it is understandable if you may think that every type of cold symptom is a sign of the virus. Because COVID-19 presents with a wide array of symptoms, it can be c...

Are These Five Tips the Answer to Making Wellness More Culturally Inclusive?

For many years, the wellness community has had a big inclusivity problem. Of course most wellness enthusiasts are not actively racist, but there can be a lot of small misunderstandings that keep man...