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Great Reads for Good Food

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Plagued With Hives? Here is What You Need to Know About This Condition

Known by the clinical term of urticaria in medical circles, hives are red and itchy welts that form from a skin reaction. Welts can vary greatly in size and intensity and may come and go depending on ext...

Want to Help Out with the COVID-19 Crisis? Volunteer for a Vaccine Trial

All of the eyes of the world are on the medical community as scientists race to find a vaccine to prevent the COVID-19 virus from taking hold. Bringing a vaccine to market is not an easy task. In addit...

Another COVID-19 Surge Coming Soon? Here is How You Can Prepare

After a rough summer, it appears that COVID-19 cases in the US are starting to level off and turn downward. However, health experts caution that a second wave of the virus is nearly imminent. With many schools ...

Your Least-favorite Vegetables May Be the Best Ones for You to Eat

Chances are good that as a child, you were told to eat your vegetables. You probably didn't like them very much, especially the tougher and bitter ones. Vegetables like broccoli and cabbage have a long histor...

CDC Drastically Changes Guidance on COVID-19 Testing, Leaving Many Confused

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has come under fire over the last few days after quietly changing the recommendations regarding when individuals should seek a test for COVID-19....

School Provides Wellness Bags for Students

The Southern Hancock School District, located near New Palestine, IN, has made wellness bags and distributed them to students on December 23 and 24. The school district has been on remote learning, and the administrators have learne...

How to Cope With the Stress of Civil Unrest

In mid-2020, protests about the deaths of African Americans were organized by Black Lives Matter groups across the United States. Other groups protested local and state mandates around wearing masks as a safeguard against COVID-19....

The COVID-19 Virus is Mutating, Causing Concern in the Medical Community

While there is much hope on the horizon because of the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, the news of the new mutations of the virus is certainly causing concern in medical circles. You are not alone if...

Do You Have Long-Haul COVID-19? Here is What You Can Do to Recover Quickly

One of the most perplexing elements of the COVID-19 virus is how most people recover within a few weeks while others battle the effects and symptoms of the virus for months. The medical community has...