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Great Reads for Good Food

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Three General Wellness Guidelines for the Pandemic

President Joe Biden's administration announced earlier this week that mandatory lock-downs, handed down from the federal government, look like they're on the horizon. A push to get everyone vaccinated is failing due to the ...

Amazing Wellness Personal Goals You Need To Know

Setting personal wellness goals is a great way to get started on improved health and happiness. However, it can be tough to know where to start. Unfortunately, most people choose vague and unspecific goals, making them diff...

From Mouth Taping to Metamucil Gummies, Check Out the 2023 Wellness Trends

Health and wellness have never been more on fire, especially in this post-pandemic world where folks want to maintain a strong, healthy body and mind. There are some fascinating and even weird heal...

Cryotherapy: The Newest Wellness Trend, But Is It Safe and Effective?

Cryotherapy: The Newest Wellness Trend, But Is It Safe and Effective? A new trend recently kicked off in the Wellness industry. It's called cryotherapy, and it is what it sounds like: voluntarily being put ...

Wellness in the COVID-19 Era: Stay at Home Or Go to the Gym?

If you look into the window of a local gym, you'll likely see that it has far fewer people than normal. Many people, especially in areas hit harder by Coronavirus, are more reluctant to do anything in public unless...

Stuck at Home with No Culinary Skills? How You Can Take Care of Yourself

With the majority of the country practicing self-quarantine protocol as a result of the deadly coronavirus, it has become more important than ever to be sufficient in the kitchen. Many of the nation's ...

Take Care of Your Physical Fitness at Home with Self-Isolating Exercises

While America is on lockdown, governmental officials are urging the public that you can walk your dog or exercise outside for 20 minutes. Even though there might be some challenges to leaving your ...

How Sleep Affects Your Ability to Be a Positive Person

You've probably heard the old adage that attitude is everything. However, if you're sleep-deprived, it's difficult to feel positive about anything at all. Just one day of missing sleep is enough to make most people feel ...

Healthcare at the Forefront of Tuesday Night's Vice Presidential Debate

Buried in all of the rancor of Tuesday's vice presidential debate was significant discussions between the two candidates about health care issues. Vice President Mike Pence took on Sen. Kamala Harris at...